5 Back And bicep Exercise

Benefits of having a Personal Trainer


When working out your motive, you should try different combinations to make the work efficient and effective. There are a lot of people at gyms in dubai who will tell you the right way to do a workout, but as long as you do all the work with the right shape, you will understand the importance of reverse, negative and tempo.

1. Pull Up with weights

When working out your motive, you should try different combinations to make the work efficient and effective. There are a lot of people in the gym who will tell you the right way to do a workout, but as long as you do all the work with the right shape, you will understand the importance of reverse, negative and tempo.

2. Single-arm dumbbell row

This is another common back exercise, but the angle should be perfect to prevent other muscle groups from playing a part. Remember to get heavy weights and do four sets of eight to 12 reps. Hold a few seconds before returning to the starting position when you reach the top portion. And keep it as long as you can on the last rep, perhaps more than 10 seconds.

3. Spider Curls

Spider curls targeting the short biceps head are a difficult workout, but harder is single-arm spider curls. As the position of your arm reaches the top, focus on giving a proper squeeze so with a free hand, you can support the lifting arm’s elbow.

4. Hammer curl

Hammer curls can be done easily. Okay, think about it again. When you do this exercise, not by a few microseconds, but by 10 or 20 seconds, increase the time under tension. And if you can still do it quickly, you’re a pro.

5. Cable Row

Use a tight grip row bar to keep the elbows near the body for a neutral position of the hands. Sit upright, not leaning back. Be sure your body doesn’t be a rocking motion as you take and drop the weights.

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